
16th Jul 2012

Robocop (1987)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Robocop is using jars of baby food for target practice, Lewis is helping him use his L.E.D. targeting to be accurate. However, Robocop does not have his helmet with the L.E.D. on when he his shooting. Robocop does not have L.E.D. targeting in his eye balls. In the beginning of the movie, it shows that the L.E.D. comes strictly from his helmet.

Correction: Incorrect. The targeting systems are built into his eyes. We see the targeting grid being set in place during the POV transformation sequence. It covers Murphy's POV completely and is seen being screwed into place at each corner. If it was part of his helmet, (a) it would only cover the narrow helmet window, not Murphy's entire field of vision and (b) the attachments seen would not be required as the helmet would already be assembled before being placed into position on his head. Ergo, the targeting systems are built directly into his eyes.


10th Aug 2008

Robocop (1987)

Corrected entry: Robocop is seen scanning the police directory for information on Emil. This leads him to Clarence's rap sheet, including the charges for murdering Murphy. When he checks the file for Murphy, the photo shows him wearing his Detroit Police uniform (the OCP symbol is plainly visible on his shoulder). Given that Murphy wasn't even on the Detroit Police force for a day, let alone in the Police HQ for more than an hour, how is a casual shot of him in uniform in the HQ lobby on file possible?

Correction: Murphy's been part of the Detroit Police for years. At the beginning of the film, he's simply been transferred between precincts, not from another force altogether.


11th Jan 2008

Robocop (1987)

Corrected entry: When Robocop tries to arrest Dick Jones in his office, he can't because of Directive 4. Dick Jones then tells Robocop "any attempt to arrest a senior officer of OCP results in shutdown". The shutdown never occurs.

Correction: That's because what's left of Murphy was able to fight back against his programming enough to avoid actually shutting down, although the directive still gave him considerable problems.


14th Mar 2005

Robocop (1987)

Corrected entry: When Robocop is being developed, his LED display is lowered over his eyes and the scientist fastens it with 4 screws. Later on when Robo's helmet comes off, we can see that: 1, there are no screws at all (as if the LED is part of the helmet itself), and 2, Robocop is still able to see L.E.D commands without his LED visor. (00:26:35 - 01:34:45)

Correction: The display is nothing to do with the helmet visor - it's built directly into his eyes. The screws are under his face.


27th Jul 2004

Robocop (1987)

Corrected entry: When all the bad guys meet back up after spending time locked up (the scene where they're playing with the assault cannons provided by Clarence)it is night time, and Clarence announces that "Robocop is in the steel mill, lets go" When they arrive at the mill, it is a very blue sky we are treated to.

Correction: While they'd want to get nearby quickly, in case Murphy tried to make a run for it, they might well have decided not to actually enter the steel mill until daylight. Murphy is most likely capable of seeing in the dark - it would make sense to have given him some sort of low-light capability - whereas they can't. No sense in giving him a tactical advantage.


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