Tobin OReilly

17th Sep 2003

Jason X (2001)

Corrected entry: When Jason is frozen in the cryo-stasis machine he is frozen in there along with his machete. Knives need to be constantly resharpened in order to cut yet after hundreds of years we never see his blade resharpened. Nevertheless it seems to slice and gut people with no problem.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: A knife does not have to be razor sharp to hack through people, especially when wielded with the incredible strength of one Jason Voorhees. Secondly, the reason knives have to be continuously sharpened is that they are being continuously used. Jason's machete has been unused while frozen with him, therefore it would be just as sharp as the day he was frozen.

Correction: As a follow up: deep freezing knife blades has been shown to actually make them more durable and resilient (google 'ice hardened knife' for more info). While freezing a blade for over 4 centuries is a bit of a stretch, the science stays the same, meaning Jason's machete would be even more capable of cutting and slicing up folk once it was thawed out.

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