
13th May 2007

Grindhouse (2007)

Corrected entry: In 'Death Proof', a white 1970 Dodge Challenger is featured prominently in both the dialogue and as the vehicle driven by the three heroines. This is a homage to the 1971 film, 'Vanishing Point'. But a major plot point of the story hinges on a feature the car never had. Zoe Bell's character will lay on the hood of the car, held there by belts attached to the frames of the door windows, but no 1970-74 Dodge Challenger ever had such frames. The car is a two-door hardtop coupe, and it's windows are frame-less (and there is no reason anyone would want to custom add them). This error is magnified by the fact that they used chrome frames where black ones would have been far less 'hacked' looking. The entire error could have been avoided by simply installing a full roll cage in the car, using the bars at the A-pillars to attach the belts to.


Correction: Yes, the error could have been avoided with a roll cage, but it's just as unlikely a guy would install a roll cage in a car not built for racing, as installing window frames.


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