
27th May 2004

Bowfinger (1999)

Corrected entry: How can the cast and crew for Chubby Rain *not* know that Kit doesn't know he was being filmed for the movie? The way he reacts in many of the scenes as the actors walk up to him and recite their lines is very unprofessional and probably not even in the script.


Correction: The crew are mostly illegal immigrants, others are completely new to acting in Hollywood, and Bowfinger and his assistant are in the know, and as we find out later, Daisy figures it out as well. The others are just naive enough to think that Kit's behavior is diva-ish.


27th May 2004

Bowfinger (1999)

Correction: This is a question, not a mistake. But, in short, Mindhead controls Kit as much as possible, so having someone following him at all times would not be out of character.


27th Aug 2001

Bowfinger (1999)

Corrected entry: When Kit Ramsay is getting pissed off with the guy trying to get him to do a film, he says he scanned the script for K's and it came up with a number exactly divisible by three. However, the exact number that Kit Ramsey gives for the amount of times the letter K appears is 1,456. This is NOT perfectly divisible by 3, and it does NOT equate to 486. Mathematically, it equates to 485.3333333..., which, rounded off, is 485.

Correction: Kit is consistently shown throughout the movie to be unbalanced and on the edge of sanity. It's no surprise his math isn't perfect, he's finding coincidence and conspiracies all around him.


2nd Jul 2010

Bowfinger (1999)

Corrected entry: At the start of the film, Bowfinger patiently (and sincerely) explains that all films cost just $1240.00, and "Chubby Rain" will cost just that. At the time he hasn't even met Daisy, so he has no way of knowing that the developing and printing of the exposed film will be charged to her credit card. As another post points out, this expense alone is hugely more than his entire budget and when he commences production of Chubby Rain he has no way of covering the costs of this absolutely essential procedure. Did he not count a vital part of production - developing and printing exposed stock - as part of his budget? This is not a character mistake - he discusses lab costs throughout production of "Chubby Rain", so he knows perfectly well what is coming.

Correction: The correction makes absolutely no sense. Bowfinger only had $1240 available to him, and he had no way of knowing he could charge the printing and processing costs of Chubby Rain to a third party - he hadn't even met Daisy at that stage. He does not have the money to even start making his film.

Correction: He was not saying it costs $1240 seriously. He is well aware of the costs involved, but since he only had $1240 saved up, he was trying to convince his actors and crew that he could produce the film for $1240.


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