Jackie Menechino

21st May 2004

Airplane (1980)

Question: In the flashback scene in the bar, Striker throws his hat, but it comes back to him like a boomerang. He then throws his jacket, and it also comes back to him like a boomerang, but this time you can see the hand that throws it at him. Is the hand a crew member's, or it is intended to be somebody throwing it back at him?

Jackie Menechino

Chosen answer: Too hard to say - potentially both. I'm guessing the hand wasn't meant to be seen, but at the same time there's no reason why someone couldn't have just hurled hat back at him, so seeing the hand isn't really a mistake.

Question: Is there any truth in the rumors that there is a subliminal message in the movie for American Express?

Jackie Menechino

Chosen answer: Well if there is it's too subliminal to notice - so no.

David Mercier

Question: When was there a Mini Shaguar? It could have just not been used in the American version, but I also may have missed it.

Jackie Menechino

Chosen answer: In a trailer shown on the Infinifilm DVD, Verne Troyer stars with lots of little people which looks to parody the trailer from the first film. In the end, he flips into the Mini-Shaguar.

T Poston

Chosen answer: Obviously not, as after the credits we see Jack (the monkey) swim up to the chest, grab a gold piece and turn back into an undead monkey.

Grumpy Scot

6th Jan 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Chosen answer: At www.tvtome.com there is a little summary of every episode of The Simpsons.


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