
4th Sep 2003

Toy Story (1995)

Corrected entry: When the duo is over at Sid's house, and when they are in his bedroom, the kid burns Woody's forehead, causing his forehead to smoke. When Sid leaves, Woody rushes over and dunks his head into this bowl of half-eaten Fruit Loops. Why was there no milk dripping from his face?.


Correction: The Fruit Loops have been there for quite some time and have absorbed the milk, hence the noise made by Woody's head when he dunks it in.

4th Sep 2003

Toy Story (1995)

Correction: Because Buzz was hit by the lamp, which could have caught him off guard. He could've panicked whilst falling from the window, and forgotten that he could fly.

4th Sep 2003

Toy Story (1995)

Corrected entry: Woody and Buzz are at Sid's window. Woody is trying to convince the other toys that he and Buzz are friends. Woody is holding Buzz's arm that fell off and swinging it around. But the arm changes from the left hand to the right hand.


Correction: Actually, it is always his left arm, it never changes.

2nd Sep 2003

Toy Story (1995)

Correction: It is used for the soldiers' mission and the toys probably took it from the mom's room when nobody was around.

4th Sep 2003

Toy Story (1995)

Corrected entry: When Woody tells the toys not to be worried about being replaced, Potato Head says, "Of course Woody ain't worried. He's been Andy's favorite since kindergarten," implying that it's been quite a while since the kid's been a kindergartner. Andy is only six years old. Just how much of a genius is this kid?


Correction: For a toy, two years could be a long time. The phrase, "He's been Andy's favorite for a year and a half," although not as poetic, has the same meaning.

4th Sep 2003

Toy Story (1995)

Corrected entry: In Pizza Planet, Buzz goes into the Claw-Game (the one with the aliens in it) and if you look carefully the wire that lowers it down is yellow but when it comes down the second time to pick up Buzz it's Black.


Correction: The yellow, curly wire doesn't lower the claw, it's just on the ceiling. The wire that lowers the claw is always black and straight.

rabid anarchist

29th Jul 2003

Toy Story (1995)

Corrected entry: If Buzz Lightyear believes that he is a real Space Ranger then why when Andy comes in to the room does he freeze up like a toy. If he believes he is a Space Ranger wouldn't he walk around like nothing is happening?


Correction: He thinks he's on a special mission from Space Command and doesn't want to be detected.


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