
Question: Carrie mentions that her longest or most serious relationship was eight-and-a-half days with an acid rock singer, that she came home and found in the shower with his mother. Wasn't she about to get married when Bandit found her? Would you not think that she actually had a relationship with him (and didn't she say she was pregnant, therefore, had to get married?).


Answer: She had a relationship with her fiance but in her mind it wasn't serious. She is running away because she is being pressured into marriage with a man she doesn't love. So the statement is accurate, her longest serious relationship was only 8 days.


Answer: Where does she say she was pressured into marriage? - didn't have to really be snarky about it. They pick her up, she says there is a wedding in search of a bride... doesn't mean she was pressured... In fact, there is no definitive statement that she was forced to marry him or didn't love him. All she says is "I'm sorry Junior!" at the end. She just bolted from the wedding... people get cold feet all the time.


Answer: She is running away because she is being pressured into marriage with a man she doesn't love. That implies that there was no declining the proposal.

Answer: The "eight-and-a-half days" comment is a hyperbole - a deliberate exaggeration that is used to make a point. She was not being serious when she said that.


Answer: Then she could have said no to the proposal (just saying) when it was done (off camera).


So what's your point? The character agreed to the marriage under pressure, then changed her mind and decided to run. Where's the problem?

Question: The Bandit and Buford come face to face in the diner. Buford orders a diablo sandwich, and then runs to the door and hollers at Jr and asks if he wants something - when Jr. orders, Buford's response was "We don't have time for that!" - then why even ask Jr to begin with, if that's going to be his answer?


Answer: Junior asks for hush puppies, which are basically deep-fried dough balls...they would probably take a couple of minutes to make. The diablo sandwich, on the other hand, seems to be prepared in advance, since the sheriff gets his seconds after asking for it. Still, hush puppies probably would have been ready by the time the sheriff finishes his conversation with the Bandit.

Answer: Depends what he ordered - if it was something more complicated than a diablo sandwich, they wouldn't have time. Or he's just being a jerk.

Answer: I think he said "Onion rings daddy" - but I guess it would depend on what consists of a Diablo sandwich that is easy to make as opposed to waiting to having the rings made (it's a trivial point, I know...but it's been bugging me).


He said hush puppies.

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