
11th Oct 2016

Merlin (2008)

The Wicked Day - S4-E3

Visible crew/equipment: When Arthur goes to Dragoon to ask for help, when Dragoon runs out of the hut to turn back into Merlin, on the left hand side of the screen you can see a camera crew in modern clothes. [Fixed in Netflix version]. (00:23:00)

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Suggested correction: When he exits the hut Arthur's and Merlin's horses are on the left partially obscured by the brush making what they are a little difficult to see and could have been mistaken for a camera crew dressed in dark clothing.


Suggested correction: I don't see any crew. I'm watching it on Netflix. Perhaps they fixed or perhaps they edited it out after realizing the mistake. But they aren't there anymore.

Even if Netflix corrected the mistake doesn't mean the mistake is now invalid if the mistake existed in the original BBC One airing. Netflix is known to change or edit programs they stream (such as replacing soundtrack songs).


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