
15th Jan 2020

The Martian (2015)

Corrected entry: Duct tape does not perform well in extreme freezing temperatures. The glue does not work well and the fabric is not pliable. When Watney is blown from the HAB, it is dark, unpressurized, and he seals cracks in his helmet with duct tape...Martian low temps are about -100C or -145F, but the duct tape is pliable and tacky. Watney also uses duct tape as strength for the HAB plastic seal, and the duct tape remains flexible and stuck to the plastic despite ballooning in and out. (01:03:25 - 01:04:00)

Correction: You are describing the properties of the duct tape you buy at the local hardware store. There is no evidence this is standard duct tape, just that its appearance is similar. The tape NASA sent with the astronauts to Mars may have been specially developed to work in that environment, including overcoming the issues you mentioned. In fact, NASA would be foolish not to send a tape designed to work in the intended environment.


4th Jan 2019

The Martian (2015)

Corrected entry: Matt Damon proposes using his suit air as an "Ironman" rocket to get across the gap. But any competent space person would recognize that in space, the best option is to simply jump. The two ships are motionless relative to each other. A small push, and he would coast towards the ship, in a straight line. Easily grabbed by the ship. Using an uncontrolled propellant was much more dramatic, but completely unwarranted. Earlier, Martinez was jumping around the ship, and showed the ease of aiming from point to point in space. Someone would have suggested jumping. They are in space, with no gravity, and no atmospheric resistance.

Correction: Jumping wouldn't do it. When he first suggested it, his relative velocity was 42 m/s, and the maximum they could handle was 10 m/s, so unless he could generate at least 32 m/s (about 70 miles per hour) in a jump, it wouldn't do any good. I don't know anyone that can jump at 70+ mph, especially in a spacesuit.


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