
Revealing mistake: When the evil general is kicked into the gears and crushed, the second camera angle gives away the fact that the gears are actually nowhere near touching at all, and thus, the general is not actually being crushed. Obviously they wouldn't actually be touching because they wouldn't want to hurt the actor... but they could have picked a better camera angle that didn't give it away.


Deliberate mistake: When the Dragon Emperor is controlling the elemental orbs in the final battle, Alex shoots them, surprising the Emperor, who turns and looks at him. Except if you pay attention, there's absolutely no way Alex would have been able to shoot the orbs from the angle he's at. He's standing directly behind the Emperor, so he would have had to have shot through him to hit the orbs. And you can see plain as day that the Emperor is not hit by any bullets. It's a cool visual, but it makes no sense.


Continuity mistake: This mistake is somewhat abstract and subtle, so it can be hard to catch. When the Yeti arrive, at a few random points throughout the scene, the "density" of the falling snow changes instantly between cuts. Ex. When Evie helps Lin execute a spin-kick, in one shot there's a ton of snow in the air, but after a quick cut, there's suddenly significantly less snow in the air. It's clear that the fake snow wasn't necessarily being dropped at a 100% consistent rate from take to take during filming.


Revealing mistake: When the Yeti arrive, the second soldier that is attacked is picked up and thrown into a doorway. When he lands, you can very briefly see the snow for a few feet on either side of him "pop up" in the wide shot, revealing he landed on a pad. The camera cuts to a different, closer angle after about 5 or 6 frames, so it can be hard to catch the first time, but if you know where to look, it's very obvious. (Slow motion can help, but is not required).


Continuity mistake: When Mad Dog is introduced, he delivers the line "Now Ricochet, he had his hands all over me girl!" In the first shot, he lifts both hands and points at Rick with both, but when it cuts, he's only pointing at him with his left hand, and then lifts his right hand up a second time.


Revealing mistake: When Rick catches himself in the neck with the fish-hook, if you look closely when Rick pulls on it, it's pretty obvious that it's a prosthetic. Not only is the skin around the hook a lighter shade than the rest of his neck, but the way it stretches and wrinkles is completely unrealistic, giving it away as a small sheet of latex.


Continuity mistake: When Yuan fights the Emperor, shortly after the Emperor realises she's mortal, she leaps towards him and twirls through the air. If you look close, her sword swaps hands between cuts when it connects with the Emperor's sword. First it's in her right hand, then her left hand, then it's back in her right hand. It looks like the left-hand shot was an alternate take of the shot right after, and they flipped it horizontally to create a "different camera angle" in editing, hence the hand-swap.


Continuity mistake: When Wilson meets Rick and Evie at the museum, pay attention when Rick delivers the line about giving them a heads up next time Wilson takes Alex on one of "his fieldtrips." In the first shot, Wilson's arms at down at his side. In the next shot, suddenly they are up and he's patting his chest while saying "Yes, of course." The shots are back-to-back, so there's no time for him to have lifted his arms between edits.


Continuity mistake: When Mad Dog is flying the O'Connell's and Lin in the plane, Mad Dog remarks that he can't guarantee they'll live, and it cuts to a close-up of Rick sarcastically saying "Great!" Watch Alex... he goes from facing his left to facing his right between edits.


Continuity mistake: When Lin is explaining what needs to happen at the club, pay attention when she says the lines "Once the diamond is placed at the top, it will point the way to Shangri-La. Yang still has the diamond..." There are a series of cuts throughout these lines, and Lin goes from facing forward towards Alex to facing sideways towards Rick between two of the edits.


Trivia: All of the booby-traps during the sequence in which Alex goes into the tomb were loosely based on real contraptions and booby-traps found in ancient Chinese tombs.


Trivia: At one point in time, the character Ardeth Bay was supposed to be in the film. Actor Oded Fehr declined the opportunity to return, feeling that it made no sense for him to appear if the villain wasn't Imhotep from the previous two films. He was then written out of the script.


Trivia: A fourth film in the series, under the working title "The Mummy: Rise of the Aztec," was rumored for a number of years after the release of this third film due to its financial success. Brendan Fraser, Luke Ford, John Hannah and Maria Bello were reportedly all contracted for the film, while Antonio Banderas had been approached for the part of the villain. After significant progress had failed to be made by 2012, the film was quietly cancelled, and the series was eventually rebooted in 2017.


Revealing mistake: When Mad Dog sees the Dragon Emperor walking through the snow shortly after Rick and Evie leave, we see him rub some fog off of the window he is looking through, and it is very clear that the fog is computer generated. It doesn't disappear "correctly" as he wipes it away.


Revealing mistake: Just before the final battle, as the O'Connells are preparing, you see Rick and Evie emerge from behind a rock with guns in hand and cautiously watch over what is happening. In this shot, Evie is holding two pistols, and you can see that one of the pistols (should be on the viewer's right) has a bent barrel, revealing it to be a prop of some sort.


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