
Trivia: During filming, Sarah Michelle Gellar became very close with Michael Gershman, the lead cinematographer of the first five seasons, who became a father figure to her (she was estranged from her real father). They became so close that when Gellar got married in 2002, she asked Gershman to dance with her during the father-daughter dance. When Gershman passed away in 2018, Gellar posted a heartfelt tribute to him on her social media.


Nightmares - S1-E10

Trivia: You can briefly see that Willow has a bumper sticker for the band "Nerf Herder" in her locker. They're the band who does the theme song for "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."


Help - S7-E4

Trivia: In a very geeky milestone, this episode features the first use of the verb "Googled" to refer to an internet search on a scripted American television show. In the twenty years that have passed since this episode aired, saying "Googled" to refer to an internet search has become so common, over 80% of people polled use it regularly.


Teacher's Pet - S1-E4

Trivia: Musetta Vander, who plays Miss French/She-Mantis, was very squeamish about the scene where she makes an "insect sandwich" with crickets. Not only was she grossed out by having to handle real crickets, but as an animal lover, she was incredibly worried that she'd accidentally kill one of them when she folded the bread over. According to Vander, no crickets were killed during the filming of the scene. (When the showed her eating the sandwich, they switched it out with another cricket-less one).


I Robot, You Jane - S1-E8

Trivia: The demon's name is Moloch, a word found several times in the Hebrew Bible that is commonly associated with either a type of deity, or as a term referring to a type of sacrifice. The name was also chosen in part because in addition to its mythological connotations, it's also similar to the word "malloc," which is a function in C-based computing languages that has to do with allotting unused memory. The fact the term connected to both the mythological and technological made it fit perfectly.


I Robot, You Jane - S1-E8

Trivia: The lead monk at the beginning of the episode is named "Thelonious." This is a not-so-subtle nod to renowned jazz pianist Thelonious Monk.


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