
27th Mar 2024

Halloween Kills (2021)

Continuity mistake: After fake Michael jumps from the 5th or 6th floor of the hospital, Tommy and the others just take a few seconds to get to the street.


9th Oct 2023

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Continuity mistake: When Captain Stacy gets to the street where Gwen is about to fall down, a police van is parked behind him. However, in the next shot, the van is gone.


9th Oct 2023

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Continuity mistake: Just before Eddie gets the black suit, he enters the church and is dry, but he should be wet because of the rain outside.


26th Jun 2023

The Flash (2023)

Continuity mistake: When Bruce is explaining about time travel issues to the Barries, the amount of sauce on the spaghetti changes between shots. The spaghetti in the bowl shifts as well, most noticeably when there's some right up on the lip of the bowl close to Bruce, which then disappears from another angle.


20th Mar 2023

Major Payne (1995)

Continuity mistake: After Payne helps Stone with his stepfather, he walks away but the distance decreases between shots.


Continuity mistake: While Marty gets to 2015 it's raining and the streets are wet, but when Griff's gang is chasing him the streets are dry.


4th Jan 2023

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Continuity mistake: Towards the end before Riggs saves Roger and his daughter he is wet, but when he is running on the street his hair is absolutely dry.


28th Nov 2022

Pinocchio (2022)

Continuity mistake: At the pleasure island before Lampwick gets into the wheel of fortune, he has his glass full of beer, then it is empty, then full again.


5th Nov 2022

Black Adam (2022)

23rd Aug 2022

Elvis (2022)

Continuity mistake: After the first show at the International hotel, there is a guy beside the colonel like 3 feet away, but in the next shot he is further than before.


23rd Aug 2022

Elvis (2022)

Continuity mistake: After the first show at the International hotel the colonel drops a napkin to the floor in one piece but then it's in two.


18th Jun 2022

Supergirl (1984)

18th Jun 2022

Supergirl (1984)

Continuity mistake: Before Kara used the sphere to travel to earth she did not have the blue/red suit with the cape but suddenly the suit comes out from nowhere.


18th Jun 2022

Supergirl (1984)

Continuity mistake: While Supergirl is talking with Zalter in Kripton beside them there are a couple with a man and a girl who disappear between shots and then reappear again.


15th May 2022

La Bamba (1987)

Continuity mistake: At the bar in TJ Ritchie gets to the stage to hear the song, but in the next shot he is a few feet away.


15th May 2022

La Bamba (1987)

Continuity mistake: While Ritchie speaks with Rudy about his audition, Rudy has an empty bottle of coke but in the next shot the bottle is full back again.


Continuity mistake: While the two robots speak with the Mitchells at the dinosaur store, one of them has some orange juice on his face which disappears between shots.


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