
Corrected entry: While at the Smithsonian, Larry notes it's about one hour until sunrise. A few minutes later, everyone going back to New York City piles into Amelia Earhart's airplane and she takes off. When they land, it's still dark in the sky above New York City. If it was an hour before sunrise, the sky would not be so dark and New York City is farther east than Washington, D.C., thus would get the sun a few minutes earlier. Also, modern airplanes barely can make the Washington to New York City trip in barely a hour. That isn't including travel time from the airport to the museum. Larry should have fallen out of the sky when everyone and everything around him turned to dust with the rising sun.


Correction: It's about 200 miles from DC to New York, a small plane with a good tailwind could do it in well under an hour (remember, Larry says it's "about" an hour... he could be off by several minutes or even exagerating a bit to get people moving faster). The plane lands at the museum, there is no travel time from the airport. As for the loss of time because they are flying east, New York is northeast of Washington DC, not due east. They are only going about 120 miles east of their origin. The circumference of the earth at Washington's latitude is just over 19,000 miles; if they flew 120 miles east they would only lose 9 minutes of darkness.


Corrected entry: When they shipped out the displays to the Smithsonian they needed to use an 18-wheeler tractor trailer. But on their return trip on Earhart's plane, the entire gang was able to fit onto the plane easily. Also, the sheer weight of all of them would've prevented the plane from rising off the ground.

Correction: It does not look like they all could have fit into the plane, but that is an opinion, not a movie mistake. It is also an opinion to say that the plane could not take off bearing the weight of everyone on board. First, you don't have the specs on the plane and second, you don't know how much the "people" weigh. Remember, Larry is the only real person on the plane, the rest are wax figures - maybe even hollow wax - and most likely weigh only a fraction of their human counterparts.


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