
21st Jan 2019

Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Question: Ana gets in the bus to get Michael. He shows a chainsaw to her. Ana tells him that might be the most romantic thing anyone's ever shown her, then Michael says, "I'm trying here." Sorry for a silly question, but what does he mean by that? Try what? (01:20:45)

Bunch Son

Answer: He's returning her sarcastic comment about being romantic with a sarcastic apology. "I'm trying here", as in he's trying to be romantic and he's sorry it's not coming out the way he intended. He doesn't actually mean it, the two are simply trying to break the tension with humor. Their rapport is somewhat flirtatious throughout the film, they have an attraction that might have developed more naturally were the world not ending in a zombie apocalypse.


I actually took it that Michael was saying he's just trying to do his best in general.

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