Heather Benton

9th Sep 2016

South Park (1997)

My Future Self n' Me - S6-E16

Question: When they get back at Motivation Corp at the end, how did Cartman manage to get into the building, along with his Mexican painting crew, and also how did they manage to paint the whole place in crap so quickly before any of the staff came in for the day?

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: Cartman has a knack for getting into places he's not supposed to be. We don't need the details. As for how they worked so quickly, either Cartman worked them mercilessly or it's a cartoon, your pick.

Captain Defenestrator

12th Nov 2015

South Park (1997)

Cherokee Hair Tampons - S4-E6

Question: When Cartman thinks his kidney has been taken, and he goes to the hospital to have it put back in, the doctor has him sign a consent form for the operation, which we find out later is a release form for Cartman to be Kyle's kidney donor. But since Cartman is a child, shouldn't his mother be the one to consent and agree for him to have the operation, not him? I'm asking since neither her name or signature is anywhere on the release form Dr Doctor pulls out at the end when Stan reveals the plan to Cartman in the recovery room.

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: His mother could have signed a different release form, especially since she's in on the plan to trick Eric into the transplant.

Captain Defenestrator

17th Apr 2014

South Park (1997)

Chosen answer: They wouldn't have believed him. Or brushed it off, because Grandpa was probably trying to get them to kill him too.

Captain Defenestrator

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