JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: When Marty goes to the new 1985 and goes into the house he thinks is his, a Dirty Dancing poster can be seen on the girl's bedroom wall. Dirty Dancing was not released until 1987.

Correction: Just watched this scene looking for the Dirty Dancing poster. I see about 4 different Michael Jackson posters, but no Dirty Dancing poster.


Correction: This is a very altered version of 1985, so it doesn't have to conform to the original timestream. For instance, Biff may now be responsible for providing the funding that gets the movie made earlier.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: How did 2015 Biff know how to operate the time machine well enough to get himself back to see 1955 Biff? He learns about the existence of the time machine from an overheard conversation, which does not include any details of how to set the time circuits nor the requirement to accelerate the car to 88 mph in order to start the time jump.

Correction: This is a question, not a mistake. Given that the time circuits are not that complicated (it's a keypad with a display clearly marked DESTINATION) and that Biff also saw the time machine in use in 1985, it might not have taken him very long to figure out: 1. Punch in numbers and 2. Go fast. Not that he needed a short amount of time to figure out. This is a time machine, after all. He could have stolen the Delorean and then spent weeks figuring it out, with Doc and Marty none the wiser as long as he returned it to a time moments after he stole it. Not to mention that Doc may have left materials (like the videotape of the Delorean's test run from the first film) in the car that could have facilitated Biff's figuring it out.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: After Marty gets a crack shot on wild gunman, the screen is black. But when you see the arcade machine, just before Marty Jr. says, "Griff, guys, hey," you see the screen is on.


Correction: There are twenty seconds between the two shots in question. The 30+-year-old machine could simply have been resetting itself after Marty had scored his "crack shot."

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: In the scene in 2015 where the future Lorraine and George McFly come to eat dinner at Marty and Jennifer's house, Lorraine cooks a pizza in a toaster oven. After cooking for 3-4 seconds, Lorraine removes the pizza, which is sizzling hot. However, Lorraine removes the hot pizza with her bare hands without burning herself.

Correction: This is the future. The technology must exist to create a pan that doesn't absorb heat in the hydrator (not toaster oven).

JC Fernandez

It also happens really quickly. The metal wouldn't have enough time to collect heat.

Corrected entry: In Back to the Future 1 after Marty goes to 1955, you see a sign that says "Hill Valley 2 Miles". Later in the movie, Marty talks to George and Lorraine then walks out the door. The next scene you see Marty with Doc in his 1985 explaining that he needed to change his clothes, and than there is the whole sequence where Marty goes back to 1985. In 1955, in Back to the Future 2, Marty is standing outside the gym when Biff approaches him. Marty is knocked down by his earlier self, and Biff steals the Almanac. Then Marty steals the Almanac, burns it, sees Doc get struck by lightning, receives the telaeraph, runs 2 miles back to Hill Valley, just to meet Doc after his previous self goes back to 1985. How is it possible for on Marty to do the thing previously stated, while the other one dresses and drives to the Clock Tower, taking up the same amount of time?

Correction: You explained the nit yourself. We don't know how long it took for Marty to change into his 1985 clothes in Part 1... we only know that according to Doc, Marty was late in meeting him. Marty may have gone back to Doc's house to get his clothes, adding some time.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: The two theories of time travel displayed in the Back to the Future series seem to conflict with each other. In the first movie, Marty changes history to create a future where he was never born, and as a result he begins to fade out of existence. In the second movie, Biff changes history to create a future where Marty is away at boarding school, but rather than fading into his new timeline, Marty stays exactly the same. There are now two Martys, one from 1985 (Marty 1) and one from 1985A (Marty 2). If that's the case, then Marty should have stayed exactly the same in the first movie (Marty 1) and returned to an alternate universe where his other self (Marty 2) was never born.

Correction: The first movie also establishes that the irreversible changes in the timeline are not instantaneous. Marty was in 1955 for a week before he started fading away. He was only in 1985A for a few hours.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: When Marty is talking to the Doc when he is in the back of Biff's car, it shows the present Doc with the past Doc's hair (i.e. the actor has the wrong wig on). It cuts back to Marty, then back to the Doc, where he still has the past Doc's hair. When it cuts back to the Doc a third time, he has the present Doc's hairstyle. (01:09:30)

Correction: No such thing. First, since the only two scenes Christopher Lloyd played "young Doc" (when "old Doc" runs into him and when Marty runs around the corner) both took place at the clock tower at night, there would be no reason for the actor to wear the wrong wig. Secondly, "young Doc" has wavy, blond hair while "old Doc" has white hair. The Doc talking to Marty on the walkie not only has white hair, it's the same white hair. The only difference in the shots you're mentioning is that the wind is blowing in the third of the shots.

JC Fernandez

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