
Corrected entry: After the "Hot Patootie" number, when Frank is chasing Eddie into the freezer, there's already blood in the freezer as Eddie crawls in.

Correction: If I remember correctly, Columbia makes reference at one point to Frank splitting the brain between Eddie and Rocky, while talking about the rocks in his head.

Dr. Frank N. Furter: "Do you think I made a mistake splitting his brain between the two of them?"

Correction: Ever notice that giant gaping wound on Eddie's head? The blood is in the freezer because before the movie, Frank had given Eddie a partial-lobotomy. The half of Eddie's brain that was removed was given to Rocky. I'd imagine that when a transvestite removes half of your brain, there may be some blood.

Where does it state that he was given a lobotomy or had half his brain removed? I have watched the movie a lot and haven't ever heard of this? I am currently watching it and trying to find the place where this is said.

Frank: "It's not easy having a good time... even smiling makes my face ache... and my children turn on me...Rocky's behaving just the way that Eddie did. Do you think I made a mistake, splitting his brain between the two of them?"


When everyone gets stuck to the lab floor (before Rose Tint my World), Frank leans against the ice box and questions if it was a bad idea splitting Eddie's brain between him and Rocky as Rocky is acting "too much like Eddie." That's why Eddie has that huge gash across his forehead.

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