
Corrected entry: The whole day's time sequence is terribly out of whack. For instance, when Rooney is wiping his face off after being spat on by the "Karate Champ" girl in the pizza joint, Ferris catches a fly ball. Harry Caray's play-by-play call can be heard in the background. He's calls the name "Lee Smith," indicating Lee Smith was on the mound for the Cubs. Lee Smith was a closer and likely would not be in the game until the 9th inning. Most day games at Wrigley start at 1:20 and last at least 2 hours. Therefore, the time would be about 3:30 PM when Ferris caught the fly ball. After that, he had time to make it back down to the Loop for a parade (presumably by elevated train), pick up the car, get back up to the North Shore (probably a decent 30 minute ride) take a dip in the pool, save Cameron's life, and race home to be in bed by the time his parent arrived home (6:00 sharp if you'll recall the father's lines at the beginning.) That's bad continuity. Aside from that, prior to the game, they dined at Chez Quis and went to the Museum (South Loop area).

Correction: While the ballgame used in the film was real, it wasn't meant to represent a real game, it's still a fictional ballgame that was being played for the first time. So Smith could have been in early. Pointing this out as a mistake would be like pointing out that Abe Froman never had reservations at Chez Quis that day.


Correction: Actually, the game was intended to be the June 5, 1985 game between Chicago and Atlanta, which started at 1:25pm, ran 3 hours and 9 minutes and ended at 4:34pm in a 4-2, 11-inning loss by the Cubs. Smith closed the game. All of which makes the timeline even more crazy - between 4:35 and 5:55 (just under 90 minutes) they caught a Red Line train downtown (the ride alone would have eaten up 20 minutes, minimum), then walked to the AI at Michigan Avenue, walked around, then picked up the car and started heading north (again, a 30 minute drive from downtown, more in rush hour, and they would have been driving in rush hour), stopping for at least one detour along the way.

Corrected entry: The movie supposedly takes place in April, however based on Chicago's climate, it is quite clear that the actual filming was conducted well into the summer months based on how full and leafy all the trees are, not to mention the ivy on the outfield wall at Wrigley Field which does not become fully developed with leaves until late May at the earliest.

Correction: Do they specifically state the month in the movie? Also, this is Chicago, what with all the snow days they have any given year, it's conceivable the make-up days have pushed Graduation and things back an entire month.


Correction: Given the baseball game they went to, the movie took place on June 5.

Greg Dwyer

The baseball game was obviously staged for the film.

The baseball game was definitely not staged for the film. The baseball scenes were filmed during a real Cubs game in September (when filming took place). John Hughes added footage from the earlier June game during editing to make it appear they attended the June game.


Corrected entry: Near the end, there's a huge parade in downtown Chicago being held in the middle of a school/work week with no explanation about why it is in progress when parades are typically held on the weekend. Despite that, hundreds of people, who would normally be working, are there watching it with their kids who, like Ferris and his fellow truant pals, should be in school.


Correction: First off, it's made very clear it's the Steuben Parade (a very popular German-American parade held in Chicago in September). While there is no "explanation" in the movie, parades are held in the middle of the week for various reasons, such as bad weather on the scheduled day, etc.


The Steuben Day Parade is held on a weekend day in September, not in the Spring shortly before high school graduation. In most cities, it is the third Saturday of September. It is inconceivable that if a parade of that size and duration was unexpectedly cancelled for any reason that it would just be moved over to the middle of the week. The logistics are such that it would either be cancelled or rescheduled for another weekend which would take months to arrange due to the tremendous time, planning, and physical work involved to establish staging areas, issue new permits, transport the floats, reschedule marching bands, drill teams, and other participants, set-up food and souvenirs vendors, close streets, reroute traffic, handle crowd control, arrange security, do promotion, etc.


This correction was done in my infancy of joining the website. I was trying to correct the mistake of what the parade was for (but did acknowledge it's a September parade) rather than accept the Steuben parade was out of place and wouldn't have been scheduled for the following year if the film was meant to be set 1-2 months before graduation.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Ferris is dancing and lip-syncing to "Twist and Shout", there is a cop wearing a blue jacket from the street view, and then he's not wearing it in the next shot from an aerial view.

Correction: There is no error matching your description in the scene. There is a shot of one cop in a blue jacket, but he doesn't appear visibly in any aerial shots. Unless you can provide a screen shot or specific time, this is not a valid error. Additionally, plenty of time passes between street shots and aerial shots with the various close-up shots, if said man exist, he has time to take his jacket off.


Corrected entry: When the gang pulls into the garage, Cameron is shown wearing his sleeves up. In the next shot they are rolled all the way down.

Correction: On the drive to the garage and in the garage, Cameron's sleeves are never rolled up to begin with.


Corrected entry: Jeanie doesn't undo her seatbelt before she jumps out of the station wagon. And additionally in one shot of the car parked - the seatbelt is slammed in the door of the car and hanging out but when they cut back to the car seconds later, the seatbelt is gone.

Correction: While we see her wearing the seatbelt on the way home, she is pulled over by cops. After that we don't see a shot of her until she jumps out of the car. Plenty of time passes for her to undo her seatbelt before pulling into the driveway (and we don't even know if she was wearing it after being let go by the cops).


Corrected entry: When Ferris is kicking his shoes off at the end of the movie before jumping back into bed, he kicks his right shoe off and then he kicks the same shoe off again.

Correction: The camera never cuts away from the removing the shoes scene. We see him remove the right shoe (with his left foot) and then remove the left shoe (with his right foot).


Corrected entry: When Ferris is about to jump in the pool to save Cameron there is a cookie floating in the water. As he jumps in it disappears.

Correction: After watching the scene twice, and even pausing it, there is no cookie floating in the pool to begin with, or even anything resembling a cookie, at any time.


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