
Jellyfish Hunters / The Fry Cook Games - S2-E16

Question: In "Jellyfish Hunters", when Mr. Krabs keeps saying "More" to Spongebob to get more jellyfish, there are several pictures of Mr. Krabs saying this. There is one quite disturbing picture of what looks like a mutated and rotten Mr. Krabs. Can anyone please explain what it's supposed to mean, or is it just some random joke?

Answer: More likely a random joke. Commonly in Spongebob they use awful looking pictures of the characters as a joke usually about their appearance. In one episode Mr Krabs talks about how Squidward and Spongebob are some of the finest crew mates he's ever had and then you see them looking horribly dressed, with almost mutated faces and nothing close to impressive as Krabs states. The entire show is primarily made up of visual jokes like these.


Answer: I have a better answer. This image is known as an internet meme, something [either a phrase of any actions] that are popular all over the internet.

The image became an internet meme AFTER the episode aired. It's not fan art or a meme that was subsequently used in the show, so the question of what is the reference or joke has nothing to do with it being a meme.


Correction: While Hillenburg did draw a similar character he gave the name Spongeboy to, it was never considered for use in the show and not relevant trivia. There already existed a product using the name Spongeboy.


But it was still the original idea for the show.

No, it was two separate ideas.


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