
11th Jul 2018

Scrubs (2001)

Season 9 generally

Question: Does anyone know if the reason most of the main cast didn't return for season 9 is due to the actors' decision or was it a show makers' choice?


Answer: A lot had to do with the direction Season 9 went, and some of ABC's influence. Show creator, Bill Lawrence, was approached by ABC to continue the show and he wanted to more or less do a spin off and call it "Med School" since he felt Season 8 was the last season for "Scrubs" (even Zach Braff thought that and joked about it on Twitter a few times). However, ABC rejected the idea of a spinoff, and I think ABC felt the actors didn't need to be brought back because they would be working on other projects. It should be noted, while only John McGinley and Donald Faison signed on to be regulars for Season 9, Judy Reyes was the only regular not to return. She wanted to sign on as a regular, but her character did not fit in with the show's new direction and wasn't offered a contract. When she was offered a guest spot, she turned it down. The other regulars only returned to help transition the show into something new, which because of ABC was still considered to be "Scrubs." Most of the writers also did not return.


9th Jan 2015

Scrubs (2001)

My Old Lady - S1-E4

Question: In this episode JD, Elliot and Turk all have a patient that dies at the end. JD's dies from old age/refuses treatment. Elliot's dies due to the risky nature of the treatment given, if I remember correctly, however I never understood why Turk's patient dies. He's there for surgery, during surgery the surgeons find something, but they never say what it is. The young man is prepped for surgery again in a late scene and Turk tells him what is happening but we don't hear it. He then dies on the operating table. What was it they found inside the patient? And why did he die so quickly when undergoing surgery for it?


Chosen answer: When they were in the operating room the first time, they saw a black mass that wasn't the hernia. At that point they don't say anything, but when Turk is on the phone he's talking to David's dad and says it was a lymphoma. Which is basically a cancerous tumor. They don't mention in the show, but lymphomas can go undetected and spread and the longer they remain, the less chance of survival. Given the way the rest of the Turk/David scenes play out, David's cancer just went unchecked too long and spread too much where there was nothing the doctors could do.


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