
20th Jun 2018

iZombie (2015)

Johnny Frost: Frankly, I resent being questioned every time a hooker or stripper or dominatrix gets killed in this town. Why don't you ever bug me when somebody murders a plumber?
Detective Babineaux: You hang out with a lot of plumbers?
Johnny Frost: That was rhetorical. Look, hookers, strippers, yeah. But a dominatrix? I'm a married man, Detective. I already give way too much of my money to a woman who abuses me.


19th Nov 2015

iZombie (2015)

Abra Cadaver - S2-E7

Liv: They identified a hair found in the sink drain of Meat Cute as belonging to missing astronaut Alan York. You killed the fourth man who walked on the moon?
Blaine: Please, nobody cares about the fourth person to do something.


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