Greg Dwyer

Corrected entry: The movie supposedly takes place in April, however based on Chicago's climate, it is quite clear that the actual filming was conducted well into the summer months based on how full and leafy all the trees are, not to mention the ivy on the outfield wall at Wrigley Field which does not become fully developed with leaves until late May at the earliest.

Correction: Do they specifically state the month in the movie? Also, this is Chicago, what with all the snow days they have any given year, it's conceivable the make-up days have pushed Graduation and things back an entire month.


Correction: Given the baseball game they went to, the movie took place on June 5.

Greg Dwyer

The baseball game was obviously staged for the film.

The baseball game was definitely not staged for the film. The baseball scenes were filmed during a real Cubs game in September (when filming took place). John Hughes added footage from the earlier June game during editing to make it appear they attended the June game.


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