Greg Dwyer

Question: How does Stacy give Guy 5 cent change if his total is $1.10? Did he have a 15 cent piece?

Answer: This could be considered a mistake. Some people say the pizza cost $1.05, and he gave her $1.10, with 5 cents back. But if you watch the register, she rings up $1.10 before he hands her the money and then it shows $0.05. It seems this part wasn't in the script, so was added as filler and some of the sequence is slightly off.


Answer: Three quarters and four dimes would make it correct.

Greg Dwyer

But you can see that there is a dollar bill in the transaction - check the " mistakes" on this forum for the discussion. Your theory would be correct, had the dollar bill not been shown.


His bill was $1.05 and he gave her $1.10 so his change was a nickel.

No, his bill is 1.10. Stacey even says " that'll be 1.10"


Answer: She's acknowledging how much the guy gives her, not how much the pizza cost. She says "1.10" and then gives him 5 cents back, because the pizza likely costs $1.05.

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