Movie Nut

Grinch: Fat boy ought to finishing up any time now. Talk about a recluse! He only comes out once a year, and HE never catches any flak for it! Probably lives up there to avoid the taxes! [Notices Santa leaving.] OOOpsy! Forgot about the reindeer. If I can't find a reindeer, I'll make one instead. Max, I'm going to steal Christmas!

Movie Nut

Mayor: And now, it's time for the moment we've all been waiting for!
Grinch: Ah yes! My award. And the check!
Mayor: There's no check.
Grinch: Are you sure? Because I really thought I heard someone mention a check.
Mayor: There is NO CHECK!

Movie Nut

Cindy Lou: Um, maybe you need a time out.
Grinch: Kids today. So de-sensitized by movies and television... WHADDAYA WANT?

Movie Nut

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