Andy Benham

14th Mar 2006

Eastenders (1985)

Show generally

Corrected entry: Den Watts faked his death in 1989 when he allegedly fell into the canal after being shot. A body later recovered from the canal was wrongly identified as Den. Den returned to Walford in 2003. During those fourteen years he was living in Spain. The trailers preceding the show when Den made his return from the dead showed him arriving at immigration control and presenting his passport. UK passports last 10 years before needing renewal, so how did Den renew his passport without arousing suspicion if he hadn't returned to the UK during those fourteen years? Wouldn't the passport office and the police get suspicious about a dead person renewing their passport?

Correction: It's possible no-one noticed. UK passports can be obtained at British Embassies/Consulates all over the world (I have an aunt living in the USA - she acquired one through the British Embassy in Washington)- no one would think of checking that that the applicant was still alive, especially if the photo in their previous passport confirmed it was them.

Andy Benham

19th Nov 2003

Eastenders (1985)

Show generally

Corrected entry: After Nana Moon has had brain surgery to help treat her memory loss, it's amazing she isn't missing a single hair from her head. If she had really had surgery she would have had the hair removed from at least part of her head.

Correction: It may not be obvious loss of hair. My sister had brain surgery several years ago, and although it did mean some hair removal, the affected area was small enough to be covered up.

Andy Benham

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