Quantom X

29th Mar 2019

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Corrected entry: Why do they have to use the Apollo 11 rocket to put the Arc-net into orbit? The MiB seem to be baffled by the task of putting something into space, but aliens in 1969 seem to regularly land on earth. MiB could easily use some of the alien spaceships to put the Arc-Net into earth orbit. Boris would be defeated then.


Correction: Just because aliens have been landing on Earth regularly and MiB has contact with them, does not mean that 60's MiB have that sort of technology yet. They don't even seem to use their own space travel tech in the first two movies that take place way later.

Quantom X

Probably because the MIB want to keep Arc-Net secret until it is actually deployed in order to prevent a hostile alien from stealing it or sabotaging it.

I know some say MiB-Movies are not necessarily canonical. But there were 2 saucers parking at the New York State Pavilion "the bug" stole later in movie 1. Beside of that I guess MiB could've managed to smuggle the little Arc-Net into a another more discret rocket even years later, giving MiB enough time to protect the Arc-Net plus hunting both Borises down in the meanwhile. I know film-logic and so on, but a bit sloppy writing I guess in many ways.


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