Quantom X

Question: When Jar Jar is used as a patsy to suggest granting Palpatine emergency powers, why does Palpatine immediately accept the proposal and order the creation of the army? Isn't the Senate supposed to vote on the proposition first? It's not much of a democracy if one Senator's proxy can just unilaterally grant the Supreme Chancellor emergency powers.


Answer: They did have an immediate vote, the means of which we don't see. It would seem that the floating platforms in which each delegation sits has a device that allows for voting. Even if that isn't the case, Palpatine could read the room and recognized that nearly everyone was cheering after the motion, so it was clear the motion would pass.


Answer: From what I understand, but I could be wrong, the Senate as a whole was already pretty much willing to grant Palpatine these powers as it was. But as was so eloquently put in front of Binks, "But what senator would have the courage to propose such a radical amendment?" Followed up by "If only Senator Amidala were here." Given the context of this, I gather that, like I said, the Senate was already poised to grant these powers to him, but nobody was brave enough to be the one to risk their career to speak up and officially suggest, or request this. Thus, when Binks was manipulated into doing so, everybody was set to just go with it and be relieved they didn't have to suggest it. I could be completely wrong on this, but this is how I interpret it.

Quantom X

Question: Why did C-3PO go with them to Geonosis? I always figured protocol droids stayed with their masters unless they were sold?


Answer: Anakin built C3P0, remember? And Anakin had left C3P0 to take care of his mother. However Anakin's mother, Shmi, has now died. So 3P0 is now going along with his creator.

Quantom X

Question: What did Windu mean when he said "We will not be hostages to be bartered, Dooku?"

Answer: He means he and the other Jedi will not let themselves be captured and held for ransom or used as leverage against the Republic.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Because this leads to them being attached to someone. A Jedi is supposed to be selfless, put others before themselves, and act on the behalf of maintaining the order and balance of things. A Jedi must be willing to throw themselves in harm's way for the betterment of the galaxy and must act in a way not thinking of him or herself. If a Jedi is married and or has children, they suddenly will have other priorities. He or she may be reluctant to act in a dangerous situation in fear of death, and leaving behind loved ones. Or as is very likely the case, enemies of the Jedi getting a hold of the Jedi's family and using them against them.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Because in Episode I, she was the Queen of Naboo. Viceroy Gunray had blockaded the planet with a trade boycott and then tried to take over the planet at the order of the Sith Lord Sidious. But he failed, her forces prevailing and destroying his droid army and capturing him. So in the second movie, which takes place 10 years later, he wants revenge on her for his failure, blaming her.

Quantom X

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