Quantom X

Raphael: That was fucking weird.
Sandy: At this point, it would be fucking weird if he didn't do something that was fucking weird.

Quantom X

Tommy: Raphael, I need this to look like Titanic.
Raphael: The Titanic?
Tommy: Yeah, that one.
Raphael: Yeah, yeah. Trust me it does.

Quantom X

Tommy: I insist. I want you to be my guest. Like Beauty and Beast. I will be Beauty of course. (00:21:30)

Quantom X

Greg: Hey if I can have a career in this business, so can you, man.
Tommy: Uh... I don't want career.
Greg: You don't want a career? I thought that's...
Tommy: I want my own planet.
Greg: Your own planet?
Tommy: Yeah it's cool. Everybody love each other. That's why it's the best planet.

Quantom X

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