
2nd Jul 2015

Pet Sematary (1989)

Corrected entry: When Rachel comes home, she hears her sister Zelda call her name from Jud's house. So why would she go over there when she knows she's dead? Same thing with Gage. She knows he's dead yet thinks nothing of seeing him standing there with a scalpel in his hand.

Correction: They are grieving and miss their family members. In the case of hearing her sister, she may have not believed her ears and went to find out what she was really hearing. She my have been too emotional at hearing her dead sister's voice to think. Same with seeing Gage. Here's her baby boy, alive by all appearances when she thought she'd lost him forever. Logical thought goes right out the window at a time like that.


13th Jun 2009

Pet Sematary (1989)

Corrected entry: Gage is hit by a large truck moving fast enough to make his shoe fly off, yet when he rises from the dead after his father buries him in the pet cemetery, he doesn't have a mark on him.


Correction: First of all, it doesn't take much at all to get a toddler's shoe off. Keeping them on, there's the trick. Second, damage done could have been fixed by the mortician postmortem.


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