
Corrected entry: Player Helen Haley has an American accent all the way through the film. However, at the reunion, the actress playing older Helen says, "it's doctor Haley now. I'm a doctor!" with a European accent.

Michael Albert

Correction: So she's spent a significant amount of time abroad. My wife teases me for picking up an Irish accent after hanging out with an Irish friend for a few hours.


Corrected entry: At the end of the movie when the women are at the ballpark, the scene shows an "older" Dottie standing with a suitcase in her right hand looking out at the baseball field. In the very next shot, the older Doris, like earlier in the movie, suddenly throws a baseball at her and Dottie, without dropping the suitcase, reaches up and catches the ball in her right hand. How could she grab the ball so easily if just seconds before she was holding the suitcase, and we never saw her put it down?

Correction: She switched hands while the camera was off of her. It's a very common thing to do, your arm gets tired so you switch back and forth periodically.


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