
Corrected entry: In the scene where Bardem's character is preparing to kill Harrelson's character, Harrelson makes the statement that he can get something on the order of tens of thousands of dollars out of an "ATM." Really? You can't get more than a couple hundred dollars out of an ATM.

Correction: If you or the bank which sponsors your ATM card has enacted a daily withdrawal limit you can't. Otherwise, you can withdraw as much money as your account holds or the ATM holds, whichever is less.


Corrected entry: Chighur uses a cattle bolt gun to execute the first victim on the road by putting it against his forehead and firing it. Problem: since the bolt only extends an inch or two and them immediately retracts - we know it does that as it has virtually no recoil - it can't be used to kill. It isn't even a very effective stun weapon and it certainly can't penetrate a skull, much less destroy the brain tissue underneath. That guy would wake up a few hours later with a bad headache and that would be it. Nor would there be an entry wound, just a skin hematoma.

Correction: If it works on cows, it'd work on people. Why couldn't two inches of metal violently thrust forward from a starting position directly against a person's forehead not penetrate into their brain? This entry makes absolutely no sense at all.


Correction: I worked in a meat packing plant for years slaughtering cattle. Don't tell me that bolt gun won't penetrate a human skull! It will kill you if you get hit in the head with it. I have seen it take knee caps off people by accident.

Corrected entry: I know Moss said it was dumb, but it was more than dumb - if there ever was a plot hole, it was when Moss decided to take water back to the wounded Mexican in the truck. This action makes no sense from any perspective. One, the obvious, is that he almost got killed doing it as he was caught at the site. Two, even if he had not have been caught at the site, if this was a true humanitarian gesture, it should have been obvious it was going to take more than a drink of water for this severely wounded man to survive, i.e. he would have to be taken to a hospital. This was simply out of the question for Moss, due to the inevitable questions, eventual police involvement, and much unwanted exposure to the criminal element out to get him. Also, if by some miracle the Mexican survived, he had seen Moss, and probably would have few qualms about identifying him to the people he worked with. Three, given Moss's later actions it seemed a little out of character, since he put the hotel clerk and the driver of a truck in harm's way without a second thought, and they both ended up dead. Moss's obvious course of action should instead have been to get himself and his wife out of the country ASAP, if he wanted to keep the money. Hanging around that area meant certain death.


Correction: Point by point: One, he didn't know he was going to be attacked, so this is irrelevant. Two, he wasn't expecting to save the man's life, only to ease his suffering. The man was begging for water, and Moss' conscience got the better of him. Three, Moss was trying to survive. Once he understood the nature of his pursuer, desperate measures were required to keep himself alive. And Moss did try to get himself and his wife out of the area; that's what the entire movie is about.


Corrected entry: Early in the movie Moss asks his wife "When would you stop looking for your $2 million?" implying that he knows there are 2 million dollars in the case. That implies he must have counted the money. But if he counted the money surely he would have found the transponder. How could he miss all those $1 bills (that the transponder was encased in) when they should have been $100 bills?


Correction: Because the bands that hold the bills together have the numerical value "$10,000" printed on them. Moss counted the number of stacks and added four zeros to that number. There must have been 200 stacks in the case.


Corrected entry: When Llewelyn is being chased by the Mexicans in the truck he is carrying his large pistol in a "Mexican carry" - meaning he just has it tucked in the waistband of his pants - at the small of his back. We can see the gun when he takes off his coat to dive into the river. Anyone who has ever tried to carry a heavy pistol in this manner knows it is very insecure. It is not believable to think that Llewelyn could tuck that large pistol in his waistband, run a few hundred yards, dive in a river and swim 50 yards without the gun falling out.


Correction: Depends entirely on how tight your belt is.


Corrected entry: When Chigurh shoots the Mexican in the shower at close range with his shotgun if should have produced a much bigger mess than was depicted in the film.


Correction: Not necessarily. Depends on several factors like what kind of shot he's using, etc.


Corrected entry: The motel rooms in both Del Rio and El Paso have large central air vents, convenient for hiding money. However the exterior shots of both motels show that the rooms are equipped with AC units mounted under the window (as evidenced by the large exterior vent under the window). It is very unlikely that both motels would use both a central air system and separate AC room units.


Correction: The motels do not have AC units large enough for central air, so the window units are installed in each room. However the ducts shown are not for AC, they provide heat from the furnace during the few colder months.


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