
28th May 2007

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

The Fifth Race - S2-E15

Corrected entry: After the Ancient device releases O'Neill and he collapses, Carter checks his pulse. She is kneeling to his left, yet reaches for the right side of his neck. Anyone trained in basic first aid and CPR (as Carter should be, with her field medic training) is taught that you always check the pulse on the same side of the body where you are sitting, so as not to risk compromising the person's airway by accidentally compressing the windpipe.

Correction: I have had First Responder training, which is a step above Basic First Aid/CPR in the levels of EMT training, and there was never a mention of this. If you know what you're doing when you check for a carotid pulse, then you run no risk of compromising the patient's airway as the arteries you're supposed to be pressing on are well behind the trachea.


28th Oct 2006

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Show generally

Corrected entry: Throughout the series, incoming wormholes are indicated by the chevrons lighting up one by one - but the incoming gate could not "know" a connection was coming until the connection had already been made and the wormhole formed.

Correction: You have to dial up the destination stargate. It has to be aware that a wormhole is about to open, or the connection could never be established. Just like your telephone rings before you pick it up and begin speaking, the chevrons light up to open the wormhole.


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