
Corrected entry: Because Michelangelo has a pair of nunchaku, BBFC policy at the time of the original release in 1990, was to edit out scenes involving the use of chain sticks because it was feared they could be imitated, so the film was cut for this reason. These cuts were rescinded by the BBFC for its recent re-release in cinemas.

Correction: You can imitate a bo staff much easier than you can imitate a nunchuku but they didn't cut that out. The scenes were edited because, in British culture, nunchuku are perceived to be excessively violent weapons (in the British version of the cartoon, Michelangelo used a grappling hook).


Corrected entry: Throughout the movie Michelangelo is using rope type chucks. During the scene when he is playing the nunchuck game with the foot soldier. He does a finger spin move; at this time the nunchuck is chain style. After, it is rope again.

Correction: Michelangelo's nunchaku are braided cord throughout the film. When he is spinning one on his finger, it is the individual braids that resemble links in a chain.


Corrected entry: In the scene where the turtles are taking April home for the first time, April is followed by Donatello out of the sewer. Then when April offers them frozen pizza, Mikey jumps out, then Donatello comes out after Mikey.

T Poston

Correction: *If* it were possible to jump out at the speed Mike did, then it would also be possible for him to have jumped past Don.


In the original screenplay and cut scene, Donatello actually gets out first and helps April the Mikey jumps out and says "let's go for it". But in the storyboard Mikey pulls Donny back down and goes up ahead of him first.

Corrected entry: When the Foot soldiers hold Donatello's head in the fishtank, after Donatello pulls his head out and spits the water at the foot soldier, the Foot soldier clutches his face and groans as if he had just been sprayed with acid. But the foot soldier is wearing a mask, in which case the water couldn't have gotten anywere near his eyes.

Correction: The mask has wire-mesh eye covers. So water could easily have gotten in his eyes. His groan was just a verbalization of his annoyance and awareness of his vulnerability while temporarily blinded.


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