A nameless member

Trivia: The first MCU movie to feature the word "fuck", when Quill tells Nebula to "open the fucking door", a line that was improvised on-set and kept in because it was so funny. James Gunn anticipated being told to cut it out, but Kevin Feige left it up to Gunn's discretion. Feige said the Russo brothers had a "fuck" in an early cut of Avengers: Endgame, but they "didn't want that to be their legacy, so if you want that to be your legacy, then sure." James Gunn said that just made him even more keen to keep the line in, at which Feige "laughed his ass off."

Trivia: The tiny pizza being embiggened by Hank is a deliberate nod by Peyton Reed to Back to the Future Part II, where a similar thing happens. Reed directed some behind the scenes footage for that film very early in his career.

Trivia: This was filmed back to back with the as-yet-untitled Avatar 3. But filming didn't start until the scripts were written for 2 further sequels, so the actors would know the paths that their characters were on. James Cameron allocated the scripts to different writers after months of meetings and storyboarding. He didn't tell the writers which script they'd be working on until the end, because he knew "they'd tune out every time we were talking about the other movie."

Trivia: The final scene of the film was also the final scene filmed. Director Martin McDonagh wasn't sure what the feeling of the end should be until the film was almost finished.

Trivia: The first film Colin Farrell's pet donkey "Jenny" has appeared in, making her a "diva", according to Farrell. Her real name is also Jenny - the name was kept to help her react to commands. She kicked Colin Farrell at one point when he was trying to feed her.

Trivia: The jumpers worn by the cast were all knitted by hand by one woman for the film, Delia Barry.

Trivia: Winston Duke's line "you bald-headed demon" was improvised.

Trivia: Despite playing the ruler of an underwater kingdom, Tenoch Huerta didn't actually know how to swim before taking the role.

Trivia: The contract in the film stating no film can be made of The Mousetrap until 6 months after the theatrical run ends is actually true in real life as well, albeit only referring to English language versions. To date there have been Bengali and Russian films made of the play. The Mousetrap has been running near-continuously since it began, except for a break during the pandemic of just over a year.

Trivia: The storyboards shown for the proposed "action" finale of the Mousetrap film mirror the actual finale of this film.

Trivia: Leo Köpernick's name was deliberately chosen to reference two British slang terms relating to police/crime: "Copper", meaning a police officer, and "nick", meaning to arrest someone.

Trivia: This film was originally in development in 2016 with Hugh Grant and Keira Knightley starring, but put on hold after Disney bought 20th Century Fox.

Trivia: Sheila says of the director "He was a real hound, Inspector". The Inspector's name is Stoppard, named for writer Tom Stoppard, who wrote "The Real Inspector Hound".

Trivia: The hotel concierge is from Belgium but mistakenly thought to be from France, just like Poirot, another Agatha Christie creation.

14th Oct 2022

She-Hulk (2022)

Whose Show is This? - S1-E9

Trivia: The receptionist who gets She-Hulk to sign an NDA is played by Matt Wilkie, who at the time was actually a receptionist at Marvel's studios. He was promoted before the episode aired, and showrunner Jessica Gao almost wished he hadn't been, saying "it ruins my dream, which was that somebody would watch the show and then have a meeting at Marvel Studios and then go to that actual lobby, see Matt Wilkie and sign the NDA".

26th Aug 2022

Boston Legal (2004)

Trivia: Alan tells Denny that he'll outlive them all, and will still be out there "doing Priceline commercials". William Shatner did commercials for Priceline for many years.

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