
18th Sep 2004

Charmed (1998)

Season 6 generally

Corrected entry: Why doesn't Chris ever use his powers against demons? We know he can use them in this time, since he blows up Leo in "Oh My Goddess" and kills a Valkyrie in "Valhalley of the Dolls", and after "Chris-Crossed", when it was discovered he was half-witch he had no reason to hide them from the sisters, yet he never once used them against a demon, even when one of the Charmed ones is in mortal danger.


Correction: Actually Chris couldn't use his powers up until the "Chris-Crossed" episode because before this episode the sisters couldn't find out that he was part witch because then his cover as just their whitelighter would have been blown. Basically he had to keep his powers a secret until the "Chris-Crossed" episode.

18th Dec 2003

Charmed (1998)

Centennial Charmed - S5-E12

Corrected entry: Paige realises at the end that time went on in her own dimension at the same time as it went on in the alternate reality, and Piper calmly comments "Oh there you are. We were wondering" or words to that effect. Paige had been gone over a day and Leo wouldn't have been able to sense her across dimensions. Weren't Phoebe or Piper the least bit worried about her? (00:40:40)


Correction: At this time Paige is wanting space from the sisters so there was no reason for them or Leo to look for her. It was like that when Paige and Phoebe moved out - they did not see each other every day.

25th Apr 2005

Charmed (1998)

We All Scream for Ice Cream - S3-E10

Corrected entry: When Prue and Phoebe first enter the ice-cream van, we are told that their powers don't work in this dimension, but a few minutes later, Phoebe gets a premonition from the swingset - if their powers really didn't work, she wouldn't have been able to.


Correction: Prue's telekinesis does not work against the ice-cream man because hers is an active power; one that works outside the mind of the Witch who is using the power. Phoebe was able to get a premonition because her power was passive; it only works in her mind as she's the only one who actually sees her premonitions. Had Phoebe tried, she would not have been able to levitate whilst inside the ice-cream truck.

8th Dec 2003

Charmed (1998)

The Importance of Being Phoebe - S5-E11

Corrected entry: When Cole and Kaya are taunting Piper and Paige about the fact that they now own the manor, they hold the deeds out in front of them laughing for a good 5 seconds. Did they, and more importantly did Paige herself, forget that she can orb things to her? She could easily have summoned the deeds and orbed out of the house before Cole could stop her. (00:33:35)


Correction: Even if Paige orbed the paperwork to herself, it wouldn't have mattered. It wasn't the physical possession of the papers that mattered, it was the legal possession that Cole got when they used them as collateral.

2nd Sep 2003

Charmed (1998)

Correction: Actually Tempess says that he brought him back to the place they first met.

Stephen Edmonds 1

2nd Sep 2003

Charmed (1998)

Deja Vu All Over Again - S1-E22

Corrected entry: In 'Deja Vu All Over Again', after Piper calls Phoebe it's an hour before she gets to Quake and only after that does Joanna arrive. During the third time they live the day Phoebe tells Piper to come home immediately when she calls, but Piper talks to Joanna before she leaves. If she was supposed to come home immediately why would she still be at the restaurant an hour later?


Correction: Phoebe says that you should ome home as soon as you can beacause we have a lot of demon hunting to do. So that would give Piper some time to tell Joanna what se can do with her life and her show.

Stephen Edmonds 1

18th Sep 2004

Charmed (1998)

Season 6 generally

Corrected entry: Throughout season 6 Chris continually refers to his memories of the Charmed ones in the future (using the words "the three of you", yet in "Oh My Goddess" he tells Phoebe that if he hadn't come back, Paige would have been killed that day. So how can he have memories of the three of them when Paige died before he was born?


Correction: You've answered your own question: "if he hadn't come back, Paige would have been killed that day." He came back, so she wasn't killed that day, so he has memories of her from the future.

Captain Defenestrator

18th Sep 2004

Charmed (1998)

Correction: Not true. She was touching her bike which would've run across a point of psychic remenence as Leo said in "Primrose Empath" when Phoebe had the premonition in the room "dripping with psychic remenence"

19th Sep 2004

Charmed (1998)

The Fourth Sister - S1-E7

Corrected entry: When Prue finds Aviva's diary, she reads a few sentences aloud, about how much she hates lying to the Halliwells, but they don't match the words we see in the shot of the page.


Correction: The words Prue reads aloud are from the bottom half of the page we see in the shot.

18th Sep 2004

Charmed (1998)

Charmed Again (1) - S4-E1

Corrected entry: Paige apparently only gets her witch powers in this episode, but that doesn't fit with what we know of magic from the rest of the series. If Paige was born a witch, she would have always had her witch powers unless they were bound (which we know they weren't since she would have also lost her orbing ability until now), so she should have been telekinetically orbing things her whole life.


Correction: In a later episode, Leo and Paige go back in time to when Paige's family was killed in a car crash. We find out then that she survived because she orbed out before the crash. So, she had her powers, but she was not aware of them.

31st Dec 2004

Charmed (1998)

Ex Libris - S2-E19

Corrected entry: Phoebe's final is on Friday morning, but when she comes to the Goo-Goo Dolls concert at P3 (on Saturday, according to the posters) she's already received her grade. There is no way her final would have been corrected and her grade posted up that fast.


Correction: Her grade very much could have been posted by that point. I taught a college course and my class had their final on a friday night, We had to have their final exam grades and overall class grades by Sunday morning. So that is the same time period and everyone's grades were done. Maybe the professor had help.


7th Nov 2003

Charmed (1998)

The Eyes Have It - S5-E6

Corrected entry: In 'The Eyes Have It' Phoebe's vision shows her that Piper's explosion power doesn't work on Orin, so why did Piper later try to blow him up? Wouldn't it have made more sense to have Piper try to freeze him, or be ready with a knife for Paige to orb into him? Why try a method of attack they had already seen fail?


Correction: It is Piper's first instinct, ie her natural impulse, to try and blow him up, even though she knew it would not work. It does not make this a mistake.

13th Sep 2003

Charmed (1998)

Correction: This is not correct. In the episode, Piper froze only the "innocent" people to determine who the demon was. It turns out the only people she froze were the DA, Darryl, and Leo. When Pru asked Piper to freeze the rest, she says she can't because once they are immune to her freeze, she can't freeze them as demonstrated later when she tries anyway. This is in no way similar to the Jack and Jeff freeze in Season 2.

28th Aug 2003

Charmed (1998)

Out of Sight - S1-E19

Corrected entry: In 'Out of Sight', season 1, Prue is pouring a potion into jars when the phone rings. When she sets the pot down there is one full jar and one empty jar, when she runs back a few seconds later to grab the potion both jars are full.


Correction: Actually, when she runs to the phone she passes two other full jars, and those are the ones she grabs.

15th Dec 2003

Charmed (1998)

Centennial Charmed - S5-E12

Corrected entry: How does Paige know so much? First of all she knows that Cole is behind it all, though any number of demons have the ability to create temporal folds and as far as she knew Cole wasn't one of them. Second she knows that Phoebe is unhappy with Cole, just from talking to her for a few seconds. In fact, when she mentioned that she could help Phoebe get rid of him Phoebe threw her out. She seems to realise what's going on simply to save on exposition.


Correction: Paige had been suspicious of Cole for a long time at this point. Her assumptions just happened to be correct. Phoebe threw Paige out because Phoebe said she stayed with Cole so that he wouldn't kill Piper; she probably didn't want Cole to hear Paige and think Phoebe was conspiring against him and thus go ahead and kill Piper.

2nd Dec 2003

Charmed (1998)

Show generally

Corrected entry: From the episode where she gets her explosion power Piper seems to ignore her freezing power, even when it would be better to use it. For example, in any episode where she is faced with more than one demon instead of blowing them up one at a time it would make more sense to freeze them all at once. Even if her explosions are more powerful sometimes, there's no logical reason why she should always use them in every situation.


Correction: Yes, there is no LOGICAL reason. But considering that Prue was the only one to ever get a pure offensive power (and remembering how long Phoebe whined about not getting an active power), it makes sense that Piper, having been thinking about this all these years, would use the spectacular, flashy, big-boom power before her tried and true freezing, especially in high-pressure situations. Also remember that Piper's known from the start that she can't freeze certain baddies, so it makes sense that her first instinct would be to "reach for the explosions."

17th Dec 2003

Charmed (1998)

Centennial Charmed - S5-E12

Corrected entry: Cole enters his apartment on the first night and wishes himself a happy birthday. The next night is the night when Paige is at P3 and he turns the world into his alternate reality, then the next day is when Paige goes to the manor and finds his birthday in full swing. Even with the minor possibility that it was after midnight on the first night, his party is still a day late.


Correction: I have often had parties for my birthday on days other than my birthday.


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