
21st Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

Answer: It doesn't appear she was. Samantha was sexually adventurous and experimental to just about any type of relationship and had briefly sworn off men. She may have liked Braga, but she was too controlling and overbearing for Samantha, and ultimately, she only preferred men.


15th Aug 2005

Sex and the City (1998)

Answer: None have been announced. (To update, a limited series, "And Just Like That" is now on HBOMax. A second season has been announced).


Answer: 'And Just Like That...' is now available on Sky.

26th Sep 2005

Sex and the City (1998)

A vogue idea - S4-E17

Question: Why are the girls families never mentioned/they never mention them? I know Carrie talks about her father in series 4, episode 17, and I know Miranda's mum dies around then too, but what about Charlotte and Samantha? Where's all their family gone?

Answer: Introducing too many family characters would have cluttered the storyline and detracted from the show's basic premise of the single life in NYC. The focus remained on the girls' friendship, their relationships, and female views about sex and love. However, in addition to the relatives you mentioned, we also met Charlotte's brother--who slept with Samantha.


Carrie mentions her father disappeared when she was 5, and she never saw him again. Samantha mentions working at a Dairy Queen as a teenager, but other than that, not much mention of family life.

15th Aug 2005

Sex and the City (1998)

An american girl in paris (part deux) - S6-E20

Question: Did Carrie go back to her hotel room for her wardrobe after leaving Aleksandr and getting with Big? Surely she returned for all her Manolo's and stuff, or are we left to believe she gave it all up as the ultimate sacrifice for Mr. Big?

Answer: It's not shown, but we're to assume she either went back later and got her stuff or made arrangements to have it shipped home to New York.


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