
Question: If it really is so important for Scott to find a wife, then why didn't Curtis and Bernard tell him about it earlier? Why put that pressure on him, when they could've just told him after his first year or two? They seriously waited that long just to tell him "you need to get married"?

Answer: There could be any number of possible reasons that could be speculated on. However, the most likely answer is that after the first movie became a big hit and sequel was to be made, this was the plot line that was developed "after the fact."


He says in the movie that it was his "first mistake in 900 years" meaning he didn't realise about Mrs. Claus.

Question: What is the name of the principal's rocking horse? Harley or Harvey?

Answer: It was Harvey. She says, "One year was a rocking horse, and I named it Harvey."


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