
Question: When Eddie is going up to what he believes is Jessica's apartment, how was he able to survive being flattened on the elevator floor and then slammed on the roof of the elevator while all it took to kill his brother was a piano? Eddie even mentions that Teddy died in ToonTown.

Answer: It's possible that Teddy was crushed by a live-action piano rather than a cartoon piano.

Answer: Because the killer's intention was to murder Teddy all along, and saw to it that the piano would be lethal to him.

But how could a piano kill him if he was in Toon Town? When Eddie went up in the elevator, he was flattened against the floor and that didn't kill him considering that all of his organs were also flattened which should have resulted in his death. So, a piano being dropped on somebody should have the same affect as long as they're in Toon Town.

Answer: It's because he's now in the unreal cartoon world where characters suffer the most horrendous mishaps and injuries without being physically harmed.


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