
31st Oct 2010

2012 (2009)

Corrected entry: All throughout the movie the 1 phone you see most of the government officials using was in fact the iPhone 4! Now if you do the research you will find out that the iPhone 4 wasn't even released to the public yet. Also Apple denied even the phones existence.


Correction: So, we have a film set in 2012 where you can see government officials using a model of phone that was released in 2010. Hardly seems like a mistake to me. More importantly, given how tightly Apple locks down its releases, and that the movie would have been filmed before the iphone 3GS was even released, most likely they're just using a phone which happens to resemble the iphone 4.


Possibly a Sony phone (because Sony made 2012, and they usually add all their products into their movies).

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