Ben's Mom

22nd May 2023

Jennifer's Body (2009)

Jennifer: Do you buy all your murder weapons at Home Depot? God, you're butch! (01:35:52)

Ben's Mom

22nd May 2023

Jennifer's Body (2009)

22nd May 2023

Jennifer's Body (2009)

Needy: You know what? You were never a good friend. Even when we were little, you used to steal my toys and pour lemonade on my bed.
Jennifer: And now I'm eating your boyfriend. See? At least I'm consistent.

Ben's Mom

22nd May 2023

Jennifer's Body (2009)

Needy: Don't you get it? The dance! It'll be an all-you-can-eat buffet! (01:16:00)

Ben's Mom

28th Jul 2022

Jennifer's Body (2009)

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