
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Mutt first shows up, he is riding his bike between two train wagons, or between a train and a railing next to the station. This changes back and forth with no logic at all.


Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Mutt's bike knocks down the "Better red than dead" banner it falls sideways; yet when the chasing car arrives, the banner is magically up again, ready to fall horizontally on the car's windshield.


Continuity mistake: Mutt's bike passes by a group of strikers in the campus, and heads for the red banner. When the angle changes, a second group of strikers has suddenly appeared out of nowhere next to the banner.


Continuity mistake: When Indy and Mutt's bike is about to exit the campus, a green car is passing by, which disappears in the immediate wide angle of the street.


Continuity mistake: When Mutt and Indy ride inside the arched door in the campus, a couple runs away, yet appears still there from the opposite angle.


Continuity mistake: When Indy and Mutt are about to enter the university, the guard is holding both gate doors almost closed. A frame later he's holding one completely opened.


Continuity mistake: When Mutt and Indy run away on the bike, there's a shiny red car parked behind. A mere frame later, a dusty greyish car has magically appeared parked next to it.


Continuity mistake: When Indy is about to hop on Mutt's bike, a man walks behind him twice. First time slowly, second time fast.


Continuity mistake: During the fight in the bar, when Indy and Mutt exit, a man to the right hugs a woman in green to protect her. A frame later they're 3 meters apart.


Continuity mistake: At the Mexican market, while Mtt is playing with his pocket knife, watch the chrome part of the light: it reflects a barren place with a brown squared building. When the angle changes it all changes to a bus and a lot of people hanging around.


Continuity mistake: Inside the waterfall, Ox takes out the skull, moves his hand from the top to the side of the skull. The angle changes and the hand remains on the side, but when the angle changes to behind Ox his hand is on top of the skull, repeating the first movements.


Continuity mistake: In Akator, Indy, surrounded by Marion and Mac, tells Mutt to find a stone. When Mutt comes back, in less than a second, Marion and Mac are nowhere to be seen.


Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the ants scene, Indy is about to grab a stick to the left of his hat. In the close-up the stick and the hat have swapped sides.


Continuity mistake: When Ox finds out about the stone that pours out sand, Mutt is up the stairs. Then the angle changes and he is down, starting to walk upwards.


Continuity mistake: Inside the waterfall Ox takes out the skull while Marion watches from behind. When the angle changes, her hand is suddenly on his shoulder.


Continuity mistake: Indy uses a huge rock to smash the stone where sand is coming out and hands the rock to Mac. From one shot, Mac falls backwards and sits down, but from a different angle he is standing up slightly crouched.


Continuity mistake: Ox takes out the skull, Marion walks behind him, moving to a corner on the right. In the next angle Indy says, "Ox, I think I understand" and Marion is suddenly gone, only to magically reappear a frame later.


Continuity mistake: When the Akator temple starts to move, the sand by the groups' feet keeps changing from sandy with a couple of rocks, to filled with weeds and leaves, and back to sandy.


Continuity mistake: Inside the waterfall temple, the group walks by a room (with a passage on each side and a double entrance with steps in the middle) where natives appear and columns and walls fall off. The angle changes to a seemingly new room, but it's obviously the same place, with the camera angle slightly turned to the right. All the previous people are magically gone, the debris has disappeared, and natives are coming out of different places. Really odd editing. (01:30:35)


Continuity mistake: In the alien room, Spalko walks to Ox to take the skull away from him. In the first angle Marion is standing to the left of Ox, but in the immediate close-up she is behind him.


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