
2nd Apr 2004

Outbreak (1995)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Cuba Gooding Jr. and Dustin Hoffman are in the helicopter and Dustin is about to jump onto the Japanese freighter, Cuba's character goes out of his way to say that there's no place to land the helicopter and Dustin will have to jump onto the freighter. Cuba says he's got plenty of fuel to wait while Dustin checks out the freighter. Dustin reluctantly makes the leap, landing on a lifeboat. Dustin looks around, finds the pic of the monkey and the scene ends. Next we see Cuba and Dustin landing the chopper at the news station. How did Dustin get back on the chopper?

Correction: Before Dustin jumps onto the boat he asks how he's going to get back up. Cuba then replies for him to have the boat crew clear him a space to land the chopper.


Correction: They conveniently fast-forward without showing it, but in reality it would've taken hours to do all those steps to reboard the helicopter. That's assuming it was even possible.

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