
30th Apr 2005

Ocean's Twelve (2004)

Question: Why does Terry Benedict call Rusty by the name of Robert Charles Ryan, is that his real name? Or who is this Robert Charles Ryan?

Answer: Yes, that is his real name. Rusty is just a nickname or short for his whole name.


30th Apr 2005

Ocean's Twelve (2004)

Question: How did Toulour know the security code to the warehouse where Ocean stored the stolen paintings?

Answer: It was mentioned that he had them under surveillance the entire time. Safe to assume he was always aware of where his paintings were. But taking them back early on would have ruined the con he was trying to pull off on Ocean's crew.

Answer: I always assumed it was because Ocean had broken into Toulour's own vault to give them back. Yet another time Ocean outfoxed him.

Answer: Toulour is a master thief so he manipulated his way into gaining access to the warehouse.


Answer: I think that the vault belonged to Le Marc, now the Night Fox knows the entire thing was a setup by Le Marc capitalizing on the Fox's arrogance. Le Marc exploits everyone to regain the egg and his daughter, not to mention get Rusty out of trouble for his daughter's sake and teach his protégé a lesson in humility.

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