
28th Jul 2008

Lost (2004)

Flashes Before Your Eyes - S3-E8

Corrected entry: In the London pub, Desmond refers to the barman as the "bartender", a word never used in England. He also gets a drink without paying, leaving money on the bar when he leaves - this may be the American way, but in British pubs you always pay when you receive your drink.

Correction: It can hardly be said that ALL British pubs make you pay when you order your drink. Also, I've heard bartender used in England by English people.


28th Oct 2006

Lost (2004)

White Rabbit - S1-E5

Corrected entry: Boone's job appears to change halfway through this episode. In the pilot he tells Jack that he's a licensed lifeguard. This still seems to be true at the start of White Rabbit, because he is the one who swims out to save Joanna. But later in the same episode, he mentions that he runs a business, which is elaborated on later: he tells Locke about his mother's wedding supply chain stores. The lifeguard job is never mentioned again.

Correction: Boone is at least 20 (Ian Somehalder, who plays Boone, is 28). It's entirely possible he had a summer job as a lifeguard, before joining his family's business.


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