Joel Gordon

14th May 2004

The Recruit (2003)

Corrected entry: When Burke tells them about the NOC, Zack is sitting in the front row (he has a red sweater on) on Burke's right. In later shots he is shown sitting on Burke's left. (00:26:55)

Joel Gordon

Correction: Actually if you look carefully, he is sitting almost directly in front of Burke. When they show Burke from his left, it appears that Zack is on Burke's right. Then when the angle switches, he looks like he has moved. He hasn't.


17th May 2004

The Recruit (2003)

Corrected entry: When Layla is checking her computer after Clayton uses it you can hear her punch the buttons four or five times, yet a whole string of commands is being typed. (01:13:55)

Joel Gordon

Correction: The lines coming on the screen are from her bringing up an event log to see exactly what James did on the computer. She only needed to hit a few keys to begin the 'playback'.

17th May 2004

The Recruit (2003)

Corrected entry: After Clayton gives Burke's name the door to the class opens. Clayton uses the other door to stand, but you can see the door moves when he uses it to prop himself up as if it was never locked (either that or the interrogators are really stupid for leaving the door unlocked). (00:46:55)

Joel Gordon

Correction: Or the small cell door unlocks automatically when the big door opens, since there is no point in keeping it locked then.


17th May 2004

The Recruit (2003)

Corrected entry: Why would the CIA be interested enough in Clayton to have Layla mark him in the first place? According to Burke CTs that wash out of the farm are hired to other positions in the CIA anyway. If it's surprising to find Clayton there, they should have enough common sense to find out who hired him (Burke) so they shouldn't be surprised later to find out that Burke was the traitor.

Joel Gordon

Correction: She doesn't mark him to begin with. Her mission is to attempt to smuggle out ICE-9 from Langley, to check for security breaches. It is not until Clayton starts asking questions and snooping around in her computers that she reports him as a threat. And the only reason she is surprised to see Clayton at Langley is because she herself is new, and does not know of the routine hiring of washed out recruits.


17th May 2004

The Recruit (2003)

Corrected entry: Zack kind of stands out like a sore thumb wearing that hood in the middle of Union Station, just so we don't know his identity until later.

Joel Gordon

Correction: Character decision, I'm afraid. Zack is an inexperienced NOC agent, and makes mistakes like this.


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