
26th Aug 2013

Titanic (1997)

Question: When Cal decides to bribe Murdoch with money to guarantee a spot on a lifeboat, what was the point of even doing so? Was it just because of the "women and children first" policy? Being in first class would seem to put women, children, AND men at a higher priority.

Answer: "Women and children first" means just that, regardless of class. Cal had to make sure he would get a spot instead of some third class passenger.


Answer: Cal would have had to get on after all the women and children (first class second and third) He probably knows the lifeboats would all be full by then so he tries to bribe and get on one before it is too late.

Answer: The policy set by Captain Smith was "women and children first" but some of the ship's officers understood that to be "women and children only" and this is reflected in the movie to how some of the officers behaved - even Murdoch, Cal bribing Murdoch for a space was likely to try persuade him to look the other way.

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