Plot hole: All the teen girls are about the same age and always in the same grade-level during their three years at St. Francis. There are no younger new students arriving each fall, nor do older ones graduate in the spring. Every student graduates at the end of the three years. Schools do not accept a new crop of students every three years.

The Trouble with Angels (1966)
Directed by: Ida Lupino
Starring: Hayley Mills, Binnie Barnes, Camilla Sparv, Rosalind Russell, Mary Wickes
Genres: Comedy
Plot hole: All the girls at St. Francis are in their mid-teens and have families who can afford to send them to private Catholic school, so these are not orphans or underprivileged children. However, we are supposed to believe that none of the girls own or wear bras, shocking the Mother Superior when she sees them in their dance leotards. The nuns then take the girls shopping to buy each one a bra.
Factual error: When Mother Superior announces those girls who wish to stay and join the convent, she states they will join the Novitiate. Actually, not correct. Their 1st step is called Aspirancy / Pre-Candidacy Then Postulancy / Candidacy THEN they are a Novice, for a few years, before taking Final Vows to be a Full Nun.
Mother Superior: As for the social graces, I'm convinced that your school encourages barbarism and concerns itself only with free thinking, free wheeling and finger-painting.
Mr. Petrie: The finest educational minds in the country happen to be on our side.
Mother Superior: God is on ours.
Mother Superior: This is a Catholic school Mr. Gottschalk.
Mr. Gottschalk: Band uniforms are non-sectarian.
Rachel Devery: Couldn't we have uniforms, too, Reverend Mother?
Mother Superior: Most certainly not. The band will perform in their gym suits.
Rachel Devery: Our gym suits?
Mother Superior: Yes.
Mary Clancy: But, they're awful! I mean, it's not as if they were like Sacred Heart's. At Sacred Heart they wear short-shorts for gym.
Mother Superior: They're French.
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