
Revealing mistake: After the bounty hunter, who changes three times throughout the movie, changes into the Reverend, he is in front of someone else who is a stand-in for the real Reverend but is obviously not.

Visible crew/equipment: At the end when Harv leaves, you can see a crew member reflected in his car window. It's not any of the Brown family members, because they are walking to their house. (01:21:20)


Continuity mistake: After Charlie shoots April in the ass with the slingshot, she immediately turns around to see who did it. Charlie is holding it as he says "Oops" and Brad takes it from him, all the while April is turned completely towards them. Couldn't she see it was Charlie and not Brad?

More mistakes in Critters

Trivia: While the film is often viewed as a knock-off the movie "Gremlins," the script had actually been written some time before "Gremlins" came out, based on a nightmare the writer had when he was child about being chased by tiny creatures.


Trivia: One of the Krites is biting the head off an "E.T." doll. Dee Wallace coincidentally co-starred in both "Critters" and "E.T." as the mother of each film's respective young protagonist.


Trivia: The name of the town in the film is "Grover's Bend." This is a bit of a reference to the town of "Grover's Mill," which was the town where the aliens supposedly first landed in Orson Welles' infamous "War of the Worlds" broadcast.


More trivia for Critters

Harv: This town's a zoo.

Ug: We're here for the Crites.

Critter 1: Status report.
Critter 2: Minor Damage.
Critter 1: What now?
Critter 2: Food.

Question: Any particular reason why they chose not to have the Krites grow huge in the sequels?

Answer: Maybe it's because they didn't have the budget where they could afford to do such an idea.


Question: The movie's called Critters yet they're referred to as Krites. Which name is correct and why the two names?


Answer: "Krite" is the official name of the creatures, but "critters" is an apt explanation of what they are. The audience would have no idea what a "krite" is, because it's a made up word. So the title of the movie is "Critters" because they are disgusting little creatures. The fact that "krite" sounds similar to "critter" is wordplay on the part of the film-makers.


Question: Why does Brad take the blame for Charlie for shooting April with the slingshot? If he tells dad that Charlie had done that, he would've told him it was an accident.


Answer: Charlie had become a chronic drunk and the town considered him a crackpot with his claims about alien abductions being foretold through his dental work. Even though it was an accident, he could have been declared incompetent and a danger to himself and others; he possibly could have been involuntarily committed. Brad is protecting him.


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