The Bridges of Madison County

Factual error: Not only is the tractor the wrong vintage, it is pulling a round baler that wasn't invented until the 1970's.

Continuity mistake: Driving to the bridge the landscape (a farm with a red and a yellow house) in the background (behind Meryl Streep) is seen twice. And many of the houses seen through Meryl's truck window are modern, not old farm houses. (00:21:35 - 00:22:45)


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Suggested correction: The flashback scenes are set in 1965. The houses seen in the background are either older farm houses or more modern ones consistent with mid-20th century architecture. In the Post WWII era, there was significant economic and population growth, along with increased construction (including in rural areas), with new homes being built in among older houses.


Factual error: In one scene they are playing "Almost Like Song." Although it had someone singing it to give it an old timey sound, the song wasn't released until 1977, 12 years after this is set.

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Robert: When I think of why I make pictures, the reason that I can come up with just seems that I've been making my way here. It seems right now that all I've ever done in my life is making my way here to you.

Francesca: And in that moment, everything I knew to be true about myself up until then was gone. I was acting like another woman, yet I was more myself than ever before.

More quotes from The Bridges of Madison County

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