Outbreak mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Kevin Spacey is rushed into the hospital after collapsing, the medical people rip his shirt off to apply ice bags. In the next shot they are stuffing ice bags up under his intact shirt. (01:15:25)

Outbreak mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As "Sandman" is making its bombing run, the bomb door is opened - in the next side angle shot of the plane, the door is shut again. (01:56:00)

Outbreak mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Throughout the film, Maj. Casey Schuler's hair is dyed strawberry blonde. In the scene where he convulses from being infected with the virus and is rushed to an available hospital bed, his hair color changes to his natural dark locks. In his death scene a few minutes later, his hair color is back to being strawberry blonde.

Continuity mistake: The bomber approaching the town is military green in all scenes but one. One shot, however, is of a bright yellow plane. If that's just the sunlight, then note that a minute and a half later, the plane (which has supposedly been approaching from the same direction) now has sun shining on its right side rather than left. (01:51:20 - 01:52:40)

Continuity mistake: Two Humvees rush toward hospital; an old lady in a pink top is hit by the first Humvee which fails to break sufficiently. She is OK in the next camera shot.

Factual error: In the scenes where Daniels and Salt are flying together in the helicopter, the pilot, Salt, would be in the right seat. Although it is possible to fly the helicopter from either seat, the primary controls are on the right of the helicopter (Loach, Hughes OH-6 included). Even an inexperienced pilot would never jump into the left seat when the other person has no flight experience. Left seat primary controls are in fixed wing aircraft.

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Sam Daniels: If you think I'm lying, drop the bomb. If you think I'm crazy, drop the bomb. But don't drop the bomb just because you're following orders.

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More trivia for Outbreak

Question: When they are viewing the virus through the microscope, we see its shape is like a long strand, sort of coiled up at one end and uncoiled at the other end (think cobra rearing up). That structure seems too complex to be a virus. Are any viruses really shaped like that?

Answer: Yes, the fictional virus would be a filovirus similar to Ebola. These are filament shaped virus that can coil up.


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